Recommended by Helen Pluckrose
A valuable liberal resource with a focus on building trust, community and healing rifts. A fellow traveller on this journey to restore a true understanding of the liberal principles that underlie Western liberal democracies.
Laura Kennedy brings philosophy - in its truest sense - alive. This is a substack for people wanting to think in new ways and explore the workings of their own minds, their relationships with other people and the world we live in. Laura addresses both the mundane and the momentous with a personal touch and with a simplicity and clarity that makes her work accessible, relevant and engaging to readers of all backgrounds and yet never fails to challenge
Andrew's Substack is a valuable resource. He can be relied upon to address important issues as they happen and bring a voice of reason and consistent (genuine) liberal principles to bear on the chaos. If you are feeling conflicted on an issue and not sure where to come down on it, head here. Andrew will always help bring some clarity to your deliberations even if you do not ultimately end up where he is.
Free Black Thought is exactly what it says it is. A much needed home for truly diverse thinkers and very thought-provoking thinkers. For too long, attempts at anti-racism in mainstream outlets and influential institutions have focused on a very narrow range of ideas and effectively denied heterodox black thinkers access to the mainstream marketplace of ideas. FBT seeks to remedy this and it does it very well.
Consistent liberal (freedom) principles only work to make society better when combined with evidence-based epistemology. Steve Stewart-Williams' Substack on psychology, evolution, science and philosophy is a vital resource for this purpose. It's also just extremely interesting!